
- Single registration for multiple courses.
- Standardize and streamline admission process.
- Centralized web based solution.
- Deployed on MeghRaj cloud.
- Multiple options for online fee payment.

- Complex algorithms for seat allocation.
- Compliance of reservation and other such policies.
- Auto up-gradation based on rank and course priority.
- Ensured NO MERIT Violation, Document verification.
- Hassle-free multiple rounds of admissions.

- Anywhere, anytime solution.
- e-Admit/e-Score Card, e-Allotment/ e-Admission letter.
- Maximized transparency, efficiency and credibility.
- Minimized cost, time, human involvements.
- Online real-time admission in Institutes.
- SMS/Email alerts at every stage.

- Audit trails for every change in the admission process.
- Dynamic addition of institutes, courses and seats.
- Multi-user system with full protection against unauthorized access.
- Fulfilment of eligibility criteria as per course/institute.
- Online opening and closing ranks and Seat Matrix.